No Mans Land

Oh hello Joseph,

How’s my boy? How’s Dalhart? Last night I was putting together some IKEA crap for our bedroom remodel. When I do that stuff I like to watch documentaries, I’m not sure why. So I chose the Ken Burns (who, according to Ben, is highly overrated, I like his style a lot though) documentary on the Dust Bowl. There’s a town just north of you in the Oklahoma pan handle called Boise City that was the center of the documentary. Dalhart was mentioned several times. They interviewed many old timers who I imagined were similar to the people in your branch. I would like to hear some of their stories. I found it interesting that the whole area around you was known as No-Mans-Land,does it feel that way to you?

Mom had some tough news this week. Her doctor signed her Return to Work forms but her district HR department told her that they couldn’t accommodate her restrictions. So she won’t be able to go back till this coming  Friday, she was sad. On the other hand, she’s started her Masters classes this week and she seems to like it. She’s still having some heart rhythm issues but the doctors are watching her pretty closely. She also has her follow up appointment with her surgeon on Thursday so we’ll see how she’s doing. I notice that most days her energy is coming back but she still has the occasional tired day, like she did on Friday, she had a tired day. 

It got really cold today, it snowed but none stuck at our house. We went to the Bergs for dinner and they had three inches of wet, heavy snow. I think it’s going to be cooler all week. When I looked at the weather in your area it looked just a little warmer than here.

This week for me has been primarily checking chores off of my list. Yesterday I put new tires on the frog, aka Kia, I got Ben’s ford inspected and registered, I changed the oil on the frog, I fixed the downspout in front of the house, I redid some wiring on the little red trailer, mom and I chose a new bedspread for our room (she found a good price on new ones for your bed and Jake’s bed too). Mom also wants to get one of the three dressers out of our room, so we went to IKEA to get a small one for our closet. That’s what I was working on last night.

This week we have some fun stuff coming up. It’s Ben’s birthday on Wednesday and we’ll take him to dinner. Saturday morning we’re heading to Las Vegas for The Rolling Stones concert. We’ll come back Sunday in time for burnt burgers and dogs grilled by your uncle’s at grandmas house for mothers day. 

I’ve been wondering how things in your mission are going post purge. I noticed that your mission President isn’t as quick posting pictures of your zone conference as he used to be. I hope things are getting better in the mission but I really hope that you are acclimating to your area and comp. I’m sorry to keep repeating this, but the Lord has you there right now for a reason, so try your best to find and fulfill that reason. I know that you can do it. 

Today was fast Sunday. I got up to bear testimony about how when people would bring food by we could feel the Spirit. I guess it was received ok because it was mentioned later in Sunday School. 

This week is missionary focus week, seems like there’s a lot of people out this week so I’m having a tough time filling the schedule. Is there a mission leader in your branch? I sorta don’t think so. 

That’s all I got for you today my boy. Is it six months yet? Not too bad. Your cousin Spencer is down to 80 days. Forgive me if I don’t count days, to me, that becomes way too tedious. But I do think about it.

Love, pops.


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