Gypsy Danger
Oh hello my precious boy,
How are you? I just want to start this letter by stating that I love you, I admire your service, and I’m proud of you.
We just got home from grandmas Sunday dinner, so my belly is full. She had meatloaf with baked potatoes, and all the other glorious grandma food. I think she’s getting closer to retirement. Your mom’s had a cold since yesterday, so she stayed home, we brought her a plate home. She made us hot chocolate with dark chocolate chips…not for me man. We’re watching a playoff game now. Looks like Buffalo is beating Baltimore, but I’m not really engaged.
This week on the job search was more of the same. I do have a lead and some contacts for a company that’s looking for a vice president of marketing. It would be cool because it has a large salary, less cool because it’s an MLM. I submitted my resume and my friend is trying to push it through so I hope to get an interview, I guess we’ll see.
Friday Aaron and I had planned a trip around the Great Salt Lake to drive on the old Transcontinental Railroad route. I’m not sure it would be your kind of trip, but I loved being outside in the cold desert, away from my desk and my fears, with your brothers. We got up early and met Aaron in bountiful at McDonald’s. We’re still using the gift cards your grandma gave us for Christmas. We saw all of the standard stuff: the Golden Spike museum, the Spiral Jetty, a few ghost towns with almost nothing to see, and several road side signs to stop and read describing aspects of the construction of the first cross country railroad. I loved it, your brothers tolerated it, they are very patient with me. This got me thinking, why do I love things that to others seem boring or pointless? I don’t just like it, I love it! The wide open desert, the fun of seeing what is around every corner, the feeling of quiet and solitude. I think I’m like this in all aspects of life. My favorite foods are those that feature the flavors and textures of their basic ingredients. I like seasoning, but only when they enhance those core flavors, not mask or change it. I like books and YouTube videos that help I me to learn new things and skills and history and politics. The books I like are mostly biographical or historical. I’m rereading now a book about all the NASA Apollo missions. To me there’s no fiction or mythology more fascinating than that. You can add early American history and ww2 history to that. Well, that’s your dad.
Yesterday I finally finished the painting in our bedroom. I have some touch up to do, but it looks pretty good. I need to clean up and vacuum and move mom’s dresser back in. I also have a small bookcase to put up. Next is our little bedroom hallway.
Last night we went to the rivalry game. It was a great game, close all the way. We barely won in overtime. Your mom and I sat with Artie, Patti, and Bryan in the upper bowl. Your brothers sat in the muss. It was a sellout and the byu fans were obnoxious, but less so than in previous years. Your brothers ran down to celebrate with the team, there was a picture on the university website with them cheering, I’m sending it.
This morning was a normal Sunday. I finished my Gypsy Danger model from the movie Pacific Rim, I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. It was a really fun project. I’m not sure what I’m going to start next, but that’s sorta the fun of it too.
Mom has tomorrow and Tuesday off, I’m looking forward to it. Ben’s off tomorrow too.
Be sure to ask Ben about the crazy homeschool comment from Sunday school, it was appalling.
Well kid, I just want to close my letter by telling you that I love you. Be safe and take care of yourself.
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