Oh hi Jacob!
So, how’s the new freaking comp? How’s it going getting around the area? How’s the “eternal” investigator? Yes, I used the “i” word.
I must admit an addiction to you, in addition to following his lead in girth, I’m also following your uncle into the realm of 3D printing. This whole time I thought it was just junky plastic Tchotchkes that are far too crude to be considered “fine scale models” and far to weak for “real” RCs. Both of those statements are actually true. The cool thing is, there are so many fascinating aspects that I didn’t consider. Here’s the order of things to figure out:
- Sculpt a model using 3D software (this is far beyond my current capacity, but I am intrigued and researching it)
- Find existing 3D models (this is fun, since I first got curious about this stuff, things available have exploded, you can find really great stuff, some free, some at cost)
- Prepare 3D models for printing (this is more involved than I would have ever guessed, imagine if you want to send something to mom’s printer, but you have to teach the printer how to print every specific page, including size, orientation, and placement in a way that the printer can understand
- Filament printing (that’s the kind I bought and the kind you’re uncle has (you have to set temperature, layer thickness, speed, bed temperature, and on and on. It is so cool to watch it, except for the fact that things take hours and even days to print. But dang, it”s so fun to watch)
- Resin printing (this is the kind I want, it produces near fine quality with minimal layer lines by using UV light that hardens toxic resin in very fine layers, I think these can be used for models and figures, but they are much smaller in capacity so I would need to learn software to turn them into multiple pieces for real assembly)
- Pre paint prep (lots of sanding, filling, and gluing, then more sanding and filling. This is a completely different process than used in my current hobbies)
- Painting (this would be my favorite part, but then of course, it’s the last part)
Now, I know I have too many hobbies, I look at all of my models and tools and stuff an I know it just freaking ridiculous. But I do like to learn new stuff. It does give my mind an escape, and, I hope to be able to maybe see if one of you boys has an interest in it. I once read an article about the importance of doing something that you are mediocre at. How it expands your brain and helps you to risk failures that you may not be willing to risk professionally. That willingness to try and learn something new can help in all aspects of life. Trying to be better and to just do something, even though you haven’t mastered it is super important to growth, so that one day you can be good at that thing. You are going through that big time right now. I know it’s hard, and frustrating and scary. You’re going through it in multiple aspects of life right now, it probably feels like all aspects. I don’t mean to compare my dorky little hobbies with what you’re experiencing — not at all. But I do want you to know that every time you try something and fall short, or even totally screw it up, you are one step closer to actually being good at that thing. So I say don’t be afraid to mess up, the more you do the sooner you’ll be mediocre at it, and as you keep pushing through mediocre, you’ll get good at it. The key is, just keep doing it.
I was going to stop my little analogy with that last paragraph, but I thought of one more thing while I was going pee. Remember I told you about that model f15 I was making? I know it’s not going to be my best model ever, but it’s looking pretty good considering how many things I’ve messed up so far. I decided that if I messed it up, I was going to try to fix it, or at least just keep working on it just to build my skills. I discovered that a lot of the mistakes that I’ve made and that I may have just trashed the thing in the past I’ve been able to overcome. There have been three distinct mistakes that would have stopped me before. This time I just kept sanding, or repainting until I was back to where I wanted it. And so far, it’s pretty good. I think that it’s the same for you. You’re Spanish may suck one time, you may not know what to say or where to go another time. But if you don’t give up on it because of a mess up, in the end, things will look pretty good. Plus, the Lord has promised you that he will fill those gaps and short comings.
Okay, enough of that.
I beat Ben’s fantasy football team this week 😁, so that’s a good thing. I’m up to sixth place, but mom’s in like 3rd. Max is still dead last.
BYU is ranked 10th 🤮
The Utes have their all white throwback uniforms, I’ll try to send a picture. We’ll be traveling to Colorado that day. I’m planning on being there in time to watch the game. If we can’t see it, I’ll try to have Joe send you updates.
Speaking of the trip, there will be seven of us piled up in mom’s Buick, not including mom and Joe. It could be fun, or it could be…not fun. I’ll keep you posted.
Now for the apostate news. Ben and I watched No Country For Old Men tonight while mom and joe were at their activities. It’s from a book by Cormac Mcarthy and directed by the Coen brothers. It’s about this guy who stumbles across this failed drug deal where everyone is murdered and finds 2 million dollars. He’s then hunted down buy this super dark hit man, a drug gang, and an old time Texas sheriff. It was really good, really dark, and super stressful to watch.
I’m almost done with grandmas deck. I’ve been planning on doing a second coat all week, but it rains just enough everyday to not allow it. Hopefully tomorrow night. It like to get it protected before the hoard comes back and directly spills their fully loaded plated of food on it with no intent of cleaning it up.
It’s raining outside our open window now, not too heavy, but enough to hear the raindrops. I reminded me of you saying you’ll be missing the thunderstorms after you’re home.
Well, my eyes are getting heavy once again, just remember your always on my mind and in my prayers.
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