Cartoon Tank

 Oh h kid,

Once again slacker dad forgot his Wednesday night letter. I think it’s because after Young men and Bobba Fett on Disney+, I go to bed and fall asleep fast. I’ve been getting up early to take Ben to TRAX, so I get pretty sleepy at night. The problem is now, even when my alarm doesn’t go off at 5:40 like on the weekend, I still wake up then.

Bobba Fett was awesome this week, I think because it was all about the Mandalorian. If someone said we had to get rid of all other Star Wars but Mandalorian, I would be okay with that, it’s my favorite. He may be my favorite old west character of all time.

This week projects include the trim in the living room, it’s all calked and primed, I just need to touch up and paint. That little section anyway. I may move on to another wall when I’m done. Maybe the piano side. Act like you notice when you get home. Another little project I finished is a cartoon tank model kit I did really quick just for fun, pictures attached. Tanks are fun and usually easy. Plus they’re fun to weather and hard to mess up. I’m still working on my F15 and my RC Cherokee. I’ll send more pics when they’re done. I know I over do my hobbies, but they are something in life I ate grateful for. They’re a place I can go when I need to escape or let my brain relax, or even escape. I try not to let them take improper priority in my life though and take away family or work time, that’s why things take me so long. That plus I have so many projects going on at once. I hope staying busy keeps my brain pliable into old age.

Last night for young mens Brother Brown did a self defense training. That guy is the GOAT. He was a cop and is in the military reserves, but he’s just a really great man. I’m not sure that he knows how great he is, that’s probably why I like him. Joe wrestled Jared Carver, Jared seems to have grown up some since that Flaming Gorge trip, not like his brother. Then again, I’m sure I only see the leader facing side of him. I struggle to engage in Youth callings, I always have. I think teenagers just bug me. I think you boys inherited that. I really need to get over it and engage.

Work is going okay, a bunch of people are quitting, luckily not on my team. It’s happening everywhere. It’s called the Great Resignation. There are enough jobs out there that people can leave their old ones pretty easily. Sometimes this work is not really fulfilling, so I can understand why people leave. My boss is freaking out, he’s no small part of why folks are leaving in my opinion. I think I’ve told you that I’ve had a few interviews. At my age, I’ve had enough jobs to know that sometimes a change for change sake isn’t worth it. It helps my ego when I get those calls. But It would have to be something amazing for me to consider it, or I would NEED a job, like last time. I hope not for the latter, that sucked. Plus, I’m really grateful for this job and actually really happy to be home. It will be tough going back.

Things must be getting a little rough with rule following in your mission. I got a form letter from President Severson regarding mission rules. I’m sure all the parents got it. I’ll forward it to you but I don’t get the impression that you were breaking or doing any of the things he listed. We did send you toys, and I may or may not do that again. You know I’m not always a letter of the law guy. But you should be. And I believe you are. As a result of that letter, I probably won’t message you first on Monday’s anymore though. But know I love Mondays and will keep my devices close so I can hear from you. It’s will probably be a natural reaction for that letter to bug you, because you are obedient, so help your comps and others do a little better. Just try to help out and make improvements where you can. If he sees you guys trying, he’ll be able to move on to higher things. Plus, when a new president comes in, he won’t feel like the has to knuckle down on your guys and you’ll be better off for it.

We’re planning a couple of trips, dad style trips so I’m not sure who will come. One is that trip to Wyoming with uncle Tim. I’m sure I’ll get pages of stories for you from that one. The other is a day trip to the San Raphael Swell. It’s with my more hard core rock crawler friends, so I’m a little nervous about it. That’s the Saturday before the Super Bowl. I guess mom’s getting pressure from her side to have a party. It’s less fun now that uncle Tim’s family is so giant. I love to host parties and make people happy, but it’s less fun when it’s expected and there’s no gratitude shown. Plus, Mark has the tendency to stay FOREVER, I’m not that nice of a host. That, plus I would really hate for anyone to get covid at our house.

Well, I better get to work. I sure love you my boy. I’m super proud of you and think of you literally constantly.



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