Thanksgiving care package

November 19, 2018

Dear Benjamin,

Your note came in today like a fresh breeze. You sound really good. I’m impressed that you keep your sense of humor. I’m not sure how well I was able to keep mine for my first week or so in the MTC. i thought it a crazy coincidence that you mentioned Joe Theisman. Alex Smith had his fibula and tibula broken this Sunday, exactly 33 years to the date of Joe Theisman's

Mom and I just got back from the store getting the items you asked for, plus a few more. I wanted to knock this letter out so I could place it in there with the goodies. I found a slightly better watch in place of the one you forgot. It’s a Timex, so if the battery dies, it should be easier to replace locally. For your Temple sessions, I sent all the male endowments we had, I figure you’ll use them up in the ten weeks you have, if you have any left over, just keep them or shred them and I’ll reprint them on my end. We’re hoping to do some baptisms, so we should have a few more endowments if needed. We also have some sealings if you want them, let me know before we do them.

Okay, for the third degree: What’s your comps first name? Where is he from? Where are the other members of your district from? What’s your branch president’s name? Is he from Provo? Will your choir be performing at the Christmas devotional? I do hope for some detail on the Thanksgiving services you’ll be experiencing. Some silly logistical questions: Are you getting the Dear Elder letters? When do you get to read the emails?

We’re starting to get excited for the rivalry game. Some of my cousins that I love and grew up with, but don’t see too often are supposed to come watch with us. They were to me the equivalent to Jordan and Spencer for you guys. Ray and Sam, Estrella’s older brothers.

Brother Allen’s funeral is Saturday. I’m still struggling with the reality of it. it’s surprisingly hard to reconcile for me. Not the purpose of it, I believe that for some people it’s your time when the Lord calls you. It reminds me of the pioneer missionaries that would have to up and leave their families for years at a time. Maybe I just can’t believe that something that impactful and painful can possibly be random. It also really makes me face my own mortality. I’m not much younger than he was, and in far less fit condition.I have been watching my snacking again, and starting my walks after work again. I’ll probably start counting my calories after Thanksgiving. That being said, I think some of us die when our bodies fail, and some of our bodies fail because we have another calling. I was impressed that you put their names on the prayer roll, we did too at Mark’s wedding. I will most defiantly share your condolences with them. They are a great family, worthy of emulating.

Well Ben, to end on a positive note, you are loved, and admired. That’s not to put expectations of perfection on you. You’ll make mistakes and stumble from time-to-time. Those are just learning experiences and trials that you’ll have to help you grow. Just keep positive and keep going.



P.S. Reason #6 to be glad you’re not here: I would have made you scrape the THICK frost off of the pig this morning.


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