Whittingham and Sitake in shorts and Donavan Mitchell jersey’s on the front row of the jazz game.

Oh hi kid,

Utes are currently losing to Stanford and the Jazz are being beat by the Celtics, but at least the commercials are dumb. When you think about it, your not really missing out on that much.

It was fun talking to you on Monday, I know we were a little wild, but it’s partly because you’re brothers still get pretty excited when you call.

Work is pretty busy, feels like I stay constantly behind. We’re trying to get started on a new website design. The webmaster, who I’ve become pretty good friends with, is in constant planning mode but nothing seems to get planned. So tonight I stayed a little later to start roughing out a site map based on documentation he sent me. I usually feel better doing projects than I do planning projects. 

The jazz have just taken the lead. Coaches Whittingham and Sitake are both sitting on the front row wearing Donavan Mitchell jerseys and shorts. 

Joe’s registering for his classes next year, he’s signing up for drivers-Ed, I might punch him.

Well kid, things are blissfully boring these days, days, different from last year. Sure love you.



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