D-day plus three
Oh hi little kid,
So mom sent me this article about the power being turned off in your area, I wonder if that will affect you.
Well, this is the first letter since I’ve regained my social usefulness. My first day was HR orientation and introductions, and waiting for my computer (it’s a fantastic MacBook Pro ). Yesterday were more introductions, meeting my team, meeting my peers, and bugging IT to install my Adobe Creative Suite. Today was one-on-ones with my team, building an alliance with the web manager over lunch, and discovering upcoming projects, missing processes, and upcoming productivity software installations, and bugging IT to install Adobe Creative Suite. Tomorrow I’m having my one-on-one with my boss and taking my team to lunch, meeting more people, and actually doing my first small project...IF I can get IT to install Adobe Creative Suite. I must say, I’ve enjoyed these first three days, and though I feel a little like I’m drinking from a fire hose, I am quite pleased so far.
Tonight I went over to sister Gates house to install a drain on her sprinklers. The priests were over at Sister Allen’s digging and setting forms for some concrete work around her house. I went over after I was done at the Gates to help there too. It’s getting cold tonight, so everyone is trying to get the last minute projects in. I turned our sprinklers off and removed the hoses from our outdoor spigots.
Joey is getting into the swing of Halloween. He went with the teacher’s to Cornbelly’s tonight, tomorrow he’s going with some buddies to a scary corn maze. He also scolded me because I wasn’t super enthusiastic about buying an elaborate Halloween decoration this year. Speaking of which, the Deans, our neighbors on the corner, are getting a great display with life size anamorphic lit and voice activated zombies, clowns and monsters in their yard, I’m not sure we’ll be matching that anytime soon.
Well, that’s about all I have for this midweek letter, I wish you and your wee trainee’s well, with or without electricity.
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